When to See a Dermatologist About Acne

When to See a Dermatologist About Acne

Acne can come in many different forms, and can affect people
from their teens up until their elder years. In all of its variations, and at
any age, acne is never a welcome addition to the skin, and those experiencing
acne tend not to waste any time in attempting to remedy it. While there are various
acne remedies available outside of dermatological consultation, there may
eventually come a time when acne should be shown to a skin doctor. The
following are three signs that it might be time to book an appointment with a
Pleasanton or Placerville dermatologist.

The Acne is Beginning to Affect Self-Esteem

Acne can be a difficult thing to cope with, for both teens and
adults alike. The presence of abundant acne over visible areas of the skin
(such as on the face and back of the neck) can lead to the development of minor
to major depression or anxiety disorders, regardless of age. Studies have shown
that those who suffer anxiety may experience psychological, emotional, and
social issues comparable to patients suffering serious health issues, such as
diabetes, arthritis, and epilepsy. Those who find that their social lives are
being affected by acne should seek dermatological consultation immediately.
Under the right circumstances, dermatologists can significantly clear up acne
outbursts within six to eight weeks.

Over-the-counter Products No Longer Work

In cases of mild or moderate acne, outbreaks can be
significantly cleared up within four to six weeks through the application of
the right over-the-counter gels, creams, and cleansers. However, while
pharmacological opinions are normally sound when it comes to skin care,
dermatological consultation must be sought once the over-the-counter remedies
cease being useful. Dermatologists have the ability to prescribe vastly more
powerful topical retinoids that can clear up certain outbreaks that
over-the-counter remedies don’t work on. It’s also important to keep in mind
that pharmacists don’t put skin care patients under the measured scrutiny that
dermatologists apply, therefore leading to the possibility of the pharmacist
prescribing the wrong remedy.

The Pimples are Sore, and May Leave Scars

People suffering relatively serious acne forms (such as cystic
acne) require further treatment than regular over-the-counter medication, and
it’s inadvisable in these cases to wait until the condition progresses before
seeing the doctor. Cystic acne comprises inflamed acne brought about from
damage in the follicle wall, and can be painful. Nodules, comprising painful
masses underneath the skin, are also among the most difficult forms of acne to
treat outside of dermatological consultation. In these cases, it is advised
that the patient avoid picking or popping the acne, since it can lead to
further damage in the form of severe scarring.

 Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.


Picture of Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno is a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director at Berman Skin Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a distinguished academic background from UCLA and specialized training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, she has successfully completed over 2000 Mohs procedures.

Dr. Arzeno is dedicated to providing personalized patient care and is actively involved in dermatologic research, contributing to numerous publications and presentations in her field.

Her commitment to advancing dermatology and enhancing patient outcomes reflects her passion for exceptional medical service. This content has been medically reviewed by a qualified medical professional.

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