What To Do About Bad Skin

Most people try their hardest to have good looking skin. Some individuals will spend large amounts of money buying the latest and greatest skincare products and spend countless hours treating their epidermis to have it look its best. While not everyone will take their efforts for good-looking epidermis this far, it emphasizes just how much value our society places on the appearance of a person’s epidermis.

Having problem skin that requires considerable upkeep and time investment to treat is a major problem that thousands if not millions of North Americans have to face every day. This can have numerous physical, emotional, and financial consequences for a person’s life. Understanding the problems that those with this condition have to face and learning about ways in which it can be treated are important strategies for anyone dealing with difficult skincare problems. Individuals that have skincare problems do not have to suffer needlessly, as there are countless ways modern technology can address even the most difficult situations. Here are some of the most common consequences of problem skin and some practical ways to address them.


First and foremost, this can be painful for the person suffering from it. Blemishes create pressure underneath a person’s epidermis and make it feel sensitive to the touch. When blemishes come up to the surface, they can leave painful scars that will be visible on a person for sometimes their entire life. Acne and other conditions will impact people differently and with different severity, and the amount of pain a person’s epidermis will cause for them will depend on the situation. Those suffering from pain due to this condition can seek immediate relief by placing a spoon in a freezer and allowing it to become very cold. Once the spoon has reached the correct level of coldness, a person who has a particularly painful blemish can place a piece of tissue or paper towel on the problem area and press the cold spoon onto the blemish through the material. The cold temperature of the spoon helps reduce the swelling of the inflamed section and minimize the pain the individual feels by numbing the affected area.

Self-Esteem Issues

In addition to the physical pain the problem can cause, the social cost of having this problem is nearly just a consequential for an individual. While ideally, this shouldn’t be the case, people often judge others based on the appearance of their faces. While attitudes around this condition have become more sympathetic as social media has opened many people’s eyes regarding the number of people who suffer from the problem, constantly suffering from blemishes and acne-scarring can take its toll on a person’s self-esteem. Because many people experience this condition during puberty—a time crucial to the formation of an individual’s identity—acne can be a source of tremendous stress that can impact a person’s self-image for years after their epidermis has cleared up. Since there is no medicine to make someone not feel self-conscious about their appearance (besides alcohol), it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure those who suffer from this condition do not feel ostracized due to the temporary appearance of their faces. The inherent value of a person should not depend on how well their appearance coincides with socially-constructed standards of beauty, but rather on the content of their character and their treatment of others. We all have a part to play in ending the stigma surrounding this condition and treating those who do suffer from this ailment no differently than anyone else is the least we can do.


Now that the struggles an individual who suffers from this condition can face having been outlined, readers are likely wondering, “ok, so what can I do about my problem?” Thankfully for anyone suffering from frequent blemishes and acne, some numerous treatments and habits can improve the appearance of one’s epidermis and reduce the frequency of blemishes appearing. A major cause of chronic problems is a buildup of dirt on a person’s epidermis. Dirt and bacteria become trapped in a person’s epidermis and can cause imperfections that are often painful and embarrassing. By frequently washing one’s epidermis using an effective cleanser, an individual can counteract the buildup of dirt each day. Frequently washing one’s face can also encourage exfoliation, which can remove dead and dirty particles so that a new layer can take its place. Exfoliants are not for everybody, so it is always wise to consult a dermatologist in Pleasanton before investing in any intensive skincare products.

In addition to regularly washing one’s epidermis with a cleanser, a person’s habits will greatly contribute to the overall health of their epidermis. Factors like their diet, the amount of time they spend outside, and their ability to handle stress all can play a significant role in the development of this condition. Individuals suffering from such conditions can analyze their habits and behaviors and look for areas upon which they can improve. For example, if a person faces a lot of stress due to their job, finding a productive way to manage that stress, both on the job and not, will have a tremendous benefit for the appearance and health of their epidermis. A combination of good habits and regular care can help people avoid unnecessary trips to a dermatologist in Placerville or getting unneeded skin treatment in San Francisco. Understanding the challenges a person who suffers from frequent blemishes or acne is a crucial step in pursuing the correct method of treatment, and a person should engage in a combination of personal research and consultation of medical professionals. Anyone suffering from this condition looking for solutions to their situation should contact a dermatologist in Cameron Park to be as informed as possible about the steps required to have their epidermis looking its best again.


Picture of Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno is a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director at Berman Skin Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a distinguished academic background from UCLA and specialized training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, she has successfully completed over 2000 Mohs procedures.

Dr. Arzeno is dedicated to providing personalized patient care and is actively involved in dermatologic research, contributing to numerous publications and presentations in her field.

Her commitment to advancing dermatology and enhancing patient outcomes reflects her passion for exceptional medical service. This content has been medically reviewed by a qualified medical professional.

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