What is a Cherry Angioma?

Sometimes patients are very concerned about the development of small red skin growths.  When these growths turn out to be cherry angiomas, also called simply angiomas, most individuals are relieved to find out that they usually require no treatment to maintain good skin health.  However, angiomas are sometimes cosmetic annoyances that steal a patient’s self-confidence.

Cherry Angioma – Liver & Skin Growths

cherry angioma










A cherry angioma takes its name from its color.  It is actually a small benign tumor growing on the skin’s surface.  In some patients, angiomas might also occur on the liver.

These growths consist of clusters of blood vessels called capillaries, leading to their bright red color.  They typically develop on the arms, shoulders, and torso.  Other common sites include the face, neck, and scalp.  Cherry angiomas vary from approximately the size of a pinhead to around that of a pencil eraser and usually remain small.

Angiomas might have either a smooth or a raised appearance.  The growths are usually painless.

How Many Cherry Angiomas are Normal?

Experts have uncovered no specific cause, although some cite a genetic connection.  These growths typically appear in patients older than 30.  They have a tendency to increase in both number and in size as a patient ages. When an individual develops a large number of angiomas, this could be a sign of liver damage.

Some researchers believe that being exposed to certain chemicals or extreme shifts in climate can predispose a person to the development of the growths.  However, they have not uncovered any specific proof to support this potential association.

Cherry Angioma Treatment

A dermatologist usually diagnoses an angioma simply by looking at the skin.  These growths usually require no treatment unless they change color, in which case a dermatologist can remove and biopsy them.  If an angioma becomes injured, it might bleed profusely, requiring the application of pressure.  Sometimes patients want angiomas removed because clothing or accessories pinch them, causing irritation.

When the red growths cause cosmetic or emotional concerns, physicians are able to offer four types of skin treatment for Walnut Creek patients.  All of them are outpatient procedures with little if any interruption to normal daily activities:

  • Electrocauterization burns off the angioma.

  • Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen in a spray gun or on a cotton swab to freeze the growth.

  • Laser technology targets and burns the growth off the skin.

  • Shaving removes an angioma with a blade.

Removal of an angioma usually does not cause any scarring.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.


Picture of Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno is a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director at Berman Skin Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a distinguished academic background from UCLA and specialized training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, she has successfully completed over 2000 Mohs procedures.

Dr. Arzeno is dedicated to providing personalized patient care and is actively involved in dermatologic research, contributing to numerous publications and presentations in her field.

Her commitment to advancing dermatology and enhancing patient outcomes reflects her passion for exceptional medical service. This content has been medically reviewed by a qualified medical professional.

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