Best Skincare Treatments for Freckles

Freckles are an unusual skin condition in that, unlike acne scars and wrinkles, they are actively desired by many individuals. Others, however, would much prefer to free their faces of the little brown marks that become especially abundant during the summer months. Clever makeup techniques can significantly reduce the effect of freckles, but a dermatologist in Cameron Park will have a much more profound impact on skin appearance. Highlighted below are a few of the many skincare options available to those who wish to ditch their freckles and embrace clear, unmarked skin:


Topical Creams

A variety of topical creams have been manufactured in hopes of giving those with freckles an easy, cost-effective solution. Unfortunately, these at-home treatments are generally less effective than standard treatments offered by dermatologists. For optimal results, topical creams are best used in conjunction with other freckle treatments.



Typically reserved for the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, mild acne, and acne scars,  JUVEDERM can also address freckles and other forms of skin discoloration. The dermal filler’s special formulation process and high concentration of hyaluronic acid ensures long-lasting results and a natural look.



Sometimes used to address freckles, microdermabrabion involves the exfoliation of outer skin layers. This process effectively stimulates collagen formation in the deeper layers of skin, ultimately resulting in fresher skin with fewer freckles. Microdermabrabion is rarely used for freckles alone, but rather, to treat freckles that coincide with dull skin tone, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and other problems.


Fraxel Laser Treatment

A revolutionary approach to skincare, the popular Fraxel treatment addresses discoloration in a pixilated, spot-by-spot manner. This fractional approach allows patients to enjoy a quick recovery period and avoid many of the side effects associated with other skin treatments. This is an ideal option for those who are self-conscious about freckles not only on their faces, but also on their hands, chest, and other parts of their bodies. It is not always a good solution for those with darker skin tones, however, as there may be an increased risk of hyperpigmentation following the procedure.

Freckles are by no means a bad thing, and many people embrace them as a unique aspect of their appearance. However, if your freckles have had a negative impact on your body image, they may be worth addressing via one of the aforementioned dermatology treatments. From topical creams to Fraxel, there are numerous freckle removal options available.


Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.


Picture of Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno, MD, FAAD

Dr. Julia Arzeno is a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director at Berman Skin Institute in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a distinguished academic background from UCLA and specialized training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery, she has successfully completed over 2000 Mohs procedures.

Dr. Arzeno is dedicated to providing personalized patient care and is actively involved in dermatologic research, contributing to numerous publications and presentations in her field.

Her commitment to advancing dermatology and enhancing patient outcomes reflects her passion for exceptional medical service. This content has been medically reviewed by a qualified medical professional.

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