
What Causes Adult Acne?

What Causes Adult Acne? It’s a cruel irony that teenagers get acne when they’re going through puberty, when they’re at their most vulnerable and sensitive. Still more ignominious, is those that continue to get acne into their late 20s. While some say that America is a culture that’s obsessed with appearances, there has probably not

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Where to Apply Sunscreen

It’s no secret that sunscreen is one of the easiest ways to protect against the summer rays. Unfortunately, most people only think that sunscreen is a beach accessory, leaving themselves wide open from everyday burns. Dermatologists in San Francisco know that sun exposure is around every corner, especially on bright, warm days. Here are just

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What is a Cherry Angioma?

Sometimes patients are very concerned about the development of small red skin growths.  When these growths turn out to be cherry angiomas, also called simply angiomas, most individuals are relieved to find out that they usually require no treatment to maintain good skin health.  However, angiomas are sometimes cosmetic annoyances that steal a patient’s self-confidence.

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Primary Causes of Eczema

The root cause of eczema still hasn’t been discovered. Even so, doctors do know which which factors are likely to make it more likely that somebody suffers from this skin condition. This condition is very similar to an allergic reaction and tends to appear in people with other allergies, but it does not actually seem

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