Philomena Walker

Philomena Walker, PA-C

Certified Physician Assistant specializing in Dermatology

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Education & Training

Philomena “Phil” Walker is a certified Physician Assistant specializing in Dermatology. She graduated from Olivet Nazarene University with a Bachelors in Zoology and received her Physician Assistant’s degree from the University of Florida, College of Medicine.

Philomena has 25 years of dermatology experience, including working at the University of Florida Department of Dermatology. She treats skin, hair and nail disorders with particular interest in detecting, treating and preventing cancer of the skin.
Philomena enjoys spending time with her Husband, Son and her rescued dogs and cats. She enjoys gardening, baking, and photography.

Philomena Walker is Board Certified through the NCCPA. She is licensed to practice in Florida, California and Oregon.
Fellow of Society of Dermatological Physician Assistants
Fellow of Florida Association of Physician Assistants.

Book Your Appointment with

Dr. Monika Chock, MD, FAAD

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