Gabrielle Basile, FNP
Dedicated and Empathetic Nurse Practitioner (Dermatology)
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Education & Training
Ms. Gabrielle Basile is a dedicated and empathetic nurse practitioner (dermatology) at Berman Skin Institute in Tracy, CA. With her extensive expertise, she can diagnose and treat multiple skin conditions, including rashes, eczema, brown/dark spots, dry/itchy skin, and many others.
Ms. Basile commenced her academic pursuit by obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis. Building upon her foundation, she pursued further academic heights, attaining a master’s and doctoral degree in nursing practice from Columbia University. Driven by a genuine concern for her patient’s well-being, Ms. Basile ensures that her medical treatments are firmly grounded in evidence-based practices.
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Gabrielle Basile, FNP
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