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Treatments for More Youthful Skin

Treatments for More Youthful Skin

Sometimes, it feels like that from the moment we hit puberty, we are in a constant war with our skin. Whether it’s acne breakouts, sun damage from laying out on the beach too long, or wrinkles and fine lines as we get up in years, it seems that there is always something going on. Luckily, the dermatology field of medicine has given us several tools that we can use to try to turn the tide as we strive for a healthier appearance. If you are setting out to search for a skin treatment in Walnut Creek, keep these treatments in mind.

Laser Skin Treatment

For those who would rather not go under the knife to help get rid of wrinkles, these treatments use lasers to do the job instead. This uses lasers to deliver heat directly under the outer layer, which works to tighten the skin by helping to cause more collagen to be produced. The result is an outer layer that looks tighter and smoother. This is a preferred alternative to face lifts, which requires anesthesia, scalpels, and a considerable recovery time compared to this.

Laser Resurfacing

While laser rejuvenation goes under the outer layer to fix wrinkles, these treatments do all their work on the outside. However, like its aforementioned cousin, it does try to stimulate the production of collagen to accomplish its goal. The lasers remove the damaged outer layer, and the result with the renewed collagen is fewer fine lines and wrinkles.


At this point in the list, it may seem like all of the treatments that are offered by dermatologist have to do with lasers, but that is far from the truth. There are other technologies that are used to treat wrinkles and fine lines, and one of them happens to be radio frequencies. The device used in thermage uses radio waves to heat the deepest layers of the skin. If you are guessing that this stimulates the collagen production process, you are right. And, like the other treatments, the end result is usually a smoother, less wrinkled, and rejuvenated appearance. Thermage treatments have the added benefit of having no time needed to recover.

Taking care of your skin can take on many forms, and these treatments are just a few of the ways that you can reverse damage that time or other outside factors have done. The outward appearance is often the first impression that people have of you, so why not take as much care of it as possible?

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

KW: skin treatment walnut creek

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