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Seasonal Skin Care Tips

Extreme weather can have a long term effect on your skin. Depending on the season, your skin will go through slight changes based on the climate because it is the largest organ of the body that needs to adapt to exterior conditions. Unfortunately, your wardrobe isn’t the only facet to change when a new season comes along, but also your skincare routine as well. A dermatologist based in Cameron Park can recommend ways to take better care of your skin or special products designed for extreme temperatures.

Depending on your skin type: oily, dry, combination or normal – your skin may feel overly dry in winter and super greasy in the summer. For some people, they can have skin that is so naturally dry that it feels even drier in freezing temperatures and dried out from the sun in summer. Either way, our skin still needs a little extra care around seasons with extreme temperatures and in transitional seasons too. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can care for your skin come summer, winter and for those in between seasons like spring and fall.


For those with oily skin, in summer the natural oils from your pores will be even more active, and for those with dry skin, patchy skin tone may be more visible in the hotter months. With both of these hot temperatures induced conditions, you’re more likely prone to pimples, rashes, and redness. Knowing how hot weather affects you will make skin treatment easier during those warm San Francisco days.

What does summer do to your skin? In the summer, the days are longer which means the sun is shining more. Overexposure to sun rays can cause premature aging and dehydrate the skin. In addition, heat rashes can occur, making the skin on your body more irritated. Lastly, bacterial infections are common during the hottest time of the year and this is what causes acne. The rising temperatures give bacteria an environment to live in and can be found anywhere, especially in hot locations. When you touch your face after touching a germ-infested object, you’re spreading the live bacteria to your body. However, you can always visit a skilled dermatologist in Pleasanton to clear up summer inflicted skin conditions. In between visits, here are some ways to prep your skin against the scorching sun.

Facial Care

The first thing that you notice is your face. So why wouldn’t you take the best care of it? During the summer, opt for a skin care routine that will hydrate your skin and keep it clean after a long day. Any dermatologist from Placerville will recommend exfoliating a few times a week to remove any excess oil and dirt because in the summertime sweat is more prevalent and can cause acne breakouts. If you have dry skin, refreshing your face throughout the day will do wonders. This can be as easy as splashing clean water on your face or using a facial mist. Mists can consist of rose water for those with sensitive skin. Either one you choose, refreshing your skin on a hot day will feel calming and your skin will be less irritated from the sun. Lastly, sunscreen is an absolute must and should be reapplied throughout the day. Sunscreen will block harmful sun rays that cause aging and sunspots.

Body Care

The skin on your body should be taken care of relatively the same as your face. Exfoliating your entire body should be done weekly, and reapplying sunscreen will prevent any that may occur. For hydration to your body, thick lotions that are not tacky will make your body feel plump without the added thickness. For ultimate hydration, drinking plenty of water will replenish what the sun is absorbing from your skin.


In winter, freezing temperatures can quickly dry out your skin. Skin treatment for these weather conditions in San Francisco may not be absolutely necessary, but they are very handy to know if you ever travel to a cooler climate. As it gets cooler, humidity levels drop and the air becomes drier. This results in flaky skin and for those will ailments such as eczema, the issue can get worse. For those with oily, acne-prone skin, the colder months can relieve you from pimples but there are extra ways to keep them at bay. Here are some ways to put the moisture back into your skin and take better overall care for it. 

Facial Care

Believe it or not, those harmful sun rays mentioned earlier are not just exclusive to summer. Even on the most cloudy days, UV rays are still able to get to us, therefore, sunscreen cannot be skipped during the darker, colder months! For those that live in areas where snow, when the sun reflects on blankets of white snow, it can do just as much harm that it can in the summer. Because skin becomes drier in winter, exfoliating your face to remove dead skin will help. If dryness makes your face feeling tight, humidifiers can add moisture to your skin, and even your hair.

Body Care

For colder month body care, applying oils after a warm shower will help your skin retain moisture. In addition, applying a thick cream all over will lock in the oil while providing more hydration. This ritual is perfect for those who suffer from eczema or psoriasis. However, for these issues, a skin treatment from your local Pleasanton dermatologist will be able to tailor a more specific skin care regimen 

Transitional Seasons

Transitional seasons can be conditioned spring and autumn, the months when the days aren’t too cold or too hot but they’re reaching for those days. Most likely your skin will be at its most normal and natural state during these months, however, there are some ways to prep it for extreme weather. Swapping your facial moisturizer with something that is lighter in consistency won’t clog pores because in spring your skin will hold more water before the scorching sun can absorb it. Lastly, don’t forget to keep sunscreen on your vanity table! No matter what season, or what the temperature is, the sun always shines and when it does, you’ll need to protect your delicate skin all year round.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.                     

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